break up/ bad ending/ pregnant

My ex and i technically broke up the end of July but he was saying he needed time, well work on things and he finally said Christmas evening he moved on and he’s not in love with me anymore.... after calling me babe LOL but that “slipped”. We have not been in speaking terms, he blocked ME from texting him like i did something so i have to call private if i have something to talk to him about regarding our 5 year old. I told him when he’s ready to be an adult and unblock me the balls in his court, parent wise. I don’t have him blocked. Last night he picked our son up for the night and hour late, then he wanted to bring him home 3 hours earlier than he’s supposed to but I’m not going to argue or anything because i feel like he’s looking for a reaction... last minute he calls this morning and asks me to pick up our son so he can go to the gym, again not going to argue, we don’t speak or even make eye contact when we exchange our child.. about two hours after picking up my son he calls and asks a very stupid question not even concerning our son asking “hey how do i put money back into my account i took too much out” then says “okay I’m sorry bye” like what?! Is this just a reason to speak to me? Idk how he thinks!