Old or new pregnancy?! :(

Samantha • Mama to a handsome boy and angel baby 👼 👦! Proud military wifey ❤️

Had a D&C on the 6th at 11 weeks

First was 4 days ago with a negative with FMU (my FIRST NEGATIVE SINCE THEN) then second there’s a faint positive with super diluted night urine. I’m so confused so then I took some FRER’s.

Top one two evenings (I think diluted urine) and then bottom this afternoon. I went to the hospital and blood work showed hcg of 86 :(! So now I go back on Tuesday to find out if I need another D&C or if the levels double (which I truly doubt).

Please give me your honest opinion. I’m dying inside. Please 😭😭😭