Negative test 3 days ago but still not sure!

My partner and I have been having unprotected sex since the 17th december every day or 2... We domt mind if I do get pregnant but we aren't specifically trying (we have just been getting on really well). I have always had really irregular periods and was on birth control for 9 years. I had my coil removed on the 11th Dec and only had it for 2 months as it didnt agree with me. Anyway my sister told me to take a test a week ago and then again 2 days ago and both were negative - but today ive felt really sick i was sick a little bit at one point, (TMI - I had white creamy discharge), i have been bloating and gettinv dizzy spells and hot flashes all day and just feel tired. The smell of my partners food made me feel soo nauseous. I am 22 and dont know if all of these symptoms are my body adjusting without birth control. If these tests keep coming back negative what am I supposed to do? Appreciate amy guidance as this is all new territory for me ♡ xxx