

Ok so my boyfriend and I have been together on and off for two years. There’s good times and bad times as normal relationships have. From day one I took care of his youngest daughter and treated her as my own. Well it’s to the point with him now that he never appreciates me at all, he accuses me of things that I haven’t done and just pretty much treats me like I’m his child. He’s 15 years older than me. I don’t do anything but work and come home. He’s been staying at my house with his kids and his dog as well. Lately all we have done is fight because once he thinks of something I could have done while him and I weren’t together he runs with it and badgers and pesters me about it as if I did it. He begged and pleaded to my mom crying that he wanted me back would do anything to get me back and I came back. And now he switched back. What do I do? Am I wasting my time? Should I have just stayed gone when we fell out last?