My Husband Likes to Crossdress

When my husband and I first met I could see that he was more feminine than most men. Shortly after we started dating he revealed to me that he had sex with a man a few times before he got with me.

Over the years I’ve helped him to become more and more comfortable with his sexuality and his feminine side. I have been extremely supportive with him and honest with him every step of the way.

Two years into our relationship we bought a strap on for me to penetrate him. I find it sexy to do every once in a while but he wants it more often than me. We only do it when we are both comfortable.

He has revealed that he enjoys watching porn with “chicks with dicks”. That’s what he searches. Lol. Okay, cool, whatever. Then he started showing interest in wearing my panties and then my bras. Now it’s my clothes too. Especially dresses but he likes leggings as well.

Recently he started keeping his body more groomed and even used my razor to shave his legs all the way up to his hips. He has also started requesting I teach him to apply makeup and has been learning to apply it on his own.

He has also started having me dress in his clothes for sex while he is in mine. And he’s been asking me to call him a slut, a sissy, etc. He is openly bisexual and says that if something happened between us he would definitely pursue sex with men.

I don’t know if I should be concerned about where this behavior is heading to....?