Has your b/f ever asked you to pat his back?

I mean seriously, is this a thing?

He once woke my out of my deep sleep because he had to burp, couldn’t and needed me to pat his back to help. I had been doing it for what help like an eternity.

And just now, he woke me up to pat his back with no reason why. I’m so pissed, I could scream. I pat his back so half ass it’s unbelievable. At one point I am only slight tapping two fingers and eventually I just stopped altogether and just laid my hand there. Well now he is a sleep and I’m wide awake.

I just want to know if this is normal? A 34 year old grown ass man asking for his back to be pat?

I’m not his mom nor am I a mom myself. I’m sorry and may sound rude but idfc to pat his back at 3 in the morning to help his baby ass sleep!

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