My child struggles to eat (long post)


My son is 22 months old and has never ate a meal that consists of actual solid foods.

At 6 months old I started weaning him, I would buy fresh vegetables, steam them, blend them and then freeze them in ice cube trays, every night I’d defrost one cube and then warm it up the next day and so on until he was eating small portions 3 times a day alongside his formula milk.

I first noticed when he was around 9 months old and I was trying him with ‘melty puffs’ (baby crisps) and other solid snacks/foods that he didn’t like to touch them, he didn’t like the texture of crumbs he would almost choke on any kind of food that wasn’t puréed so from 9 months old I would feed him the Ella’s kitchen pouches as puréed food is all that he would eat. I brought it to the attention of the health visitor who kind of just brushed it off as nothing to worry about and said I had to just keep working at it as every child is different, but with the Ella’s kitchen pouches they have different stages so the older stages are more textured and lumpy which he really struggled with to the point of physically vomiting if it wasn’t smooth.

I took him to see the doctor when he was one as there was no improvement and the doctor said he would refer him to speech and language which he actually didn’t, instead a nursery nurse came to do a home visit to watch my son eat, so I warmed up a pouch of puréed food which he ate, he then went on to eat a yoghurt and then had a bottle (he also won’t drink water), her conclusion was that he ate the food I gave him perfectly fine and that it was my fault for still giving him milk 🤷🏻‍♀️

I cancelled the next home visit that she arranged because I didn’t feel like she was very helpful as my issue was I couldn’t understand why he physically vomits with any other kind of food unless it’s puréed.

I then got talking to a friend who suggested paying to see a chiropractor so we did as I’m willing to try anything to get to the bottom of this, she told us that my son had a posterior tongue tie so he is unable to move his tongue the way he should be able to to move food to the back of his mouth to chew which is why he chokes and panics when eating solids and this also causes his gag reflux to be sensitive which is why he vomits so this made so much sense to us and we finally thought we had an answer to all of this, she gave us exercises to do and a follow up appointment a month later to see if there was any progress but unfortunately there wasn’t he didn’t like the exercises as I had to physically make him do them and I just couldn’t bare to see him to upset, the chiropractor said the next step would be surgery to correct it but we both agreed that he is at an age now where he is too aware of what’s going on and surgery would be quite traumatising for him and I didn’t want him to have more of an aversion than what he already has, so she then suggested taking him to see a lady who deals with older children to see if she could help.

We got an appointment with this other lady who spent a good few hours observing him and pointed out that he breathes through his mouth a lot she asked if he snored a lot which he does she also agreed that he had a posterior tongue tie and gave us other exercises to try where my son doesn’t actually realise that it’s an exercise so he’s not upset doing them and she wrote out a letter for us to take to the doctor so he could refer us E.N.T (ears nose and throat). The doctor gave us the referral so we’re just waiting on an appointment for that but at this doctors appointment he looked in my sons mouth and said everything was normal and that he does not in fact have a tongue tie.

So I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? I’m just totally lost my baby is almost 2 and hasn’t had a proper meal not even a McDonald’s and it breaks my heart to think that there’s something wrong and no one seems to be able to help. I must say he has come a long way since then and he will now actually touch food and mess on with it he just won’t eat it. I still feed him puréed food so I know he’s eating something but I always still put out a plate of whatever my partner and I are eating at mealtimes for him to sit and join us, he’ll touch it and play with the cutlery he even likes to feed us but just point blank refuses to put anything in his mouth, I also must point out that doctors don’t seem concerned as he is thriving in every other aspect he’s not severely underweight or anything I’m just concerned about the actual vomiting if the puréed food is textured or lumpy. And also thanks if you got this far I’m so sorry it’s such a long post. I’m open to any advice or suggestions although I do feel like I’ve tried everything.