Does getting your period mean you are not pregnant?

Last had sex in early July. Messed up my pills slightly before we had sex, but I believe I took it all within a day of each other, I’m not sure, I got my period in July, August, September, and October. When it came time to take my placebo pills in November, I had screwed up the last few pills dramatically and didn’t see a period. Of course, no period that month has made me paranoid that it actually is a pregnancy and not something else. I didn’t get my next pack of pills for three weeks and I thought I ovulated (I was horny, there was egg white cm, I was a little crampy in my belly). Now it is time for my period again. I am four days into my pills and there is no sign of a period coming anytime soon. I’m a little freaked.

I don’t have any real symptoms of pregnancy. I’m not significantly bigger (I’ve gained 10-15 lbs since summer but I’ve been doing online school this year). I don’t have a belly at all. I can squish my belly in. I haven’t had nausea, aversion to smells, etc.

Just nervous and need advice. I am 17 and in Missouri so I can’t drive yet. I’m planning on going to the store soon, if I can. I just don’t know what to do.

PS - I forgot to mention the sex I had in July was just fingering and oral. We were really careful and I thought there was no chance of pregnancy as he didn’t cum on his hand then go directly to my vagina. This whole no period thing caught me way off gaurd lmao.