After being told we had no chance!


Y’all, I did not think I’d be writing this. My husband and I quit trying because the endocrinologist appointments were too expensive and our insurance didn’t cover it. We were tired and ready to just give up. Stress from constantly getting negative results and infertility on my side and my husband’s side was causing so much stress. The doctor told us that we’d be “flirting” with

<a href="">IVF</a>

and that we could definitely not get pregnant naturally and that we’d probably have to do

<a href="">IUI</a>

. A few months back I was having a routine procedure done at the hospital for my colon because of my digestive problems and the nurse was asking me about my health history etc. I told her that I had PCOS and one of the other nurses overheard me. She said she struggled with PCOS for 12 years before having twins and that she would pray for me and that I could get through this because I was strong. The other nurse said that she would tell her mother to pray for me because she swears her mother can talk straight to God . She said that every friend she has had that has struggled with infertility had gotten pregnant at least three months after her mother has prayed for them. I said thank you and that I appreciated it and I went on my way. One day at work I was really struggling about my infertility and I almost left work. I prayed and felt that God told me that He has my baby up there with him and that my grandma Pat that passed away is taking care of him or her. I got chills and started bawling. I know it sounds crazy but I am a firm believer and I know this was a God thing. After that I gave it to God and I knew that my prayers would be answered. I ended up switching to day shift at my job and became pretty close to one of my coworkers. I told them about all of my problems and they said that because of my patience, love, and faith that they know God will bless me. They said that they can feel that God’s going to do something amazing and that it’s going to be sooner than later. They said that they would be praying for me. So Christmas break comes at my work and my husband and I go on a small trip to celebrate our anniversary. We just took time and relaxed and when we came back we celebrated Christmas with our family. So fast forward to this last week and we are trying to get a loan for our first house. We figured it be a good time to do it since we would be waiting on trying for a baby. We were in the process of it and I didn’t even notice that I was 3 days late for my period. I didn’t think anything of it because I have PCOS and usually have really irregular periods anyway. But then I thought, “No, that’s weird”, because I usually have two a month and now I was late for a normal period too. I didn’t want to test because there was just no way. The doctor said no. My husband has a low sperm count. I don’t even ovulate usually because of my PCOS. So, my boobs started hurting and I was extremely moody, bloated, and crampy. I was craving chocolate and oddly enough slim Jim’s😂. My face was covered in pimples and I thought for sure that I was just going to have a late period. Well yesterday marked 6 days late so I said screw it crazier things have happened and I ran

into Family Dollar and picked up a couple dollar tests. I went home and tested. YALL. TWO LINES SHOWED UP BEFORE THE 3 MINUTES WAS UP. I took the other one just in case and YUP! Two lines again! So my husband and I not believing it drove to CVS and got one of the digital ones. We drove back home and I took it and BAM! PREGNANT! Y’all God is FAITHFUL!!! Praise God!One little mixed Hispanic baby coming in 2020!❤️😍😂


To all the sweet women who commented and prayed for me..I ended up miscarrying this weekend at 8 weeks and 2 days. God gained a sweet angel baby. Thank you to everyone who supported us. This is not a failure! This is a victory! We still conceived and God proved to us that He is real and still blessed us with a son or daughter. ❤️❤️