TTC while breastfeeding



I had my daughter August 2018. I’m still breastfeeding and have not started my period. We would like to try for baby number two.

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Ok I was nursing my son he was almost 2 and he loved nursing a lot lol So me and my husband decided to try for one last kid due to my age had to be ASAP So we used all the test strips and was not getting pregnant and we always get pregnant fast so what?? We keep trying every month for about a year and I was so nervous due to my age I couldn’t get pregnant!!!But I called a lactating nurse and she said some people can’t get pregnant when nursing and she said to stop nursing during the day and only 1-2 times at night!!!So we did this and got pregnant the first month I was SO excited!!!I’m now due with my 3 rd and last son in 8 weeks :) Hope this helps some of you !!!!!


Nicole • Jan 6, 2020
Thanks! My daughter is 17 months but she loves nursing. She just started daycare so she’s no longer nursing during the day but she makes up for it when I pick her up and on the weekends. I’ve only been trying the strips for the few days so I’ll see how things go.


Lindsay • Jan 5, 2020
Hes almost 9 months.


Nisi • Jan 5, 2020
Mine was almost 2 so he was eating food also


Posted at
Hi message me I know a LOT about this subject so I think I can help you


Michelle • Jan 5, 2020
I’m following! Are you comfortable giving us your advice here?


Posted at
Following. I'm in the same situation but mybaby is almost 9 months old and we wanna conceive are 6th and final baby. I could use help too