Nausea, dizziness/vertigo help!


So my wife has struggled the last 2-3 weeks with TERRIBLE morning sickness. We went to the ER and they gave her meds that barely worked.

She was been in bed for most of the day for the last week and dreaded ingesting anything if fear of throwing up again.

I couldn't stand her being so miserable! So I started poking around the internet for a better solution...that's where I found something called "Sea-bands Mama" acupuncture wrist bands that are supposed to help with nausea symptoms.

....I called a few stores and finally found one in stock at cvs.

HOLY COW I am amazed at how well this has worked for her! Seriously night and day change! Vertigo...gone! Vomiting....gone! Appetite....back!

Anyways...ladies, it is worth a shot. Fellas, do your lady a solid and at least try it out. Hopefully it works for them too! 😉