Does it sound like he wants a family?

So we were trying for 9 months and we fell pregnant but lost the baby at 10 weeks in March. We've had a few chemicals after that too. So we have stopped trying for a while but I said to him why dont we just start trying again and he said he wants to save up for a baby coming which is fair enough but wasnt an issue before and he's wanting to go on another holiday which is again fair enough but we wont be able to save if we go on holiday I'm dying to start trying again. We have agreed that I get tested before trying and I want to try as soon as we hopefully get the all clear but hes just wanting holidays and then save up after a holiday.... I dont care about a holiday right now I need my rainbow baby. Hes 42 and I'm 27 so there is an age gap and he doesnt have kids right now. He says he really wants kids and marriage etc but been together 3 years and hes still not popped the question lol.... am I reading too much into this? I guess I feel lonely as all my friends are married and have children and I dont but that's what I exactly want now :( I'm super sad....!!!!