
Hey guys. I got the iud in March 2019. At first it made my periods regular and lighter with no pms symptoms. Last month was the first month I didn’t get a period, instead I spotted for a day. This happened again on Thursday, I had faint pink spotting and that was it.

Last night I stayed at my new bfs house and after sex he asked if I was bleeding, when I looked down he had a little blood on him, barely any (I was so embarrassed). He said it was no big deal but I told him I haven’t bled for my period in a couple months. We had sex a second time after that and again this morning and he didn’t say anything about any more bleeding.

I just went to the bathroom and saw a little more pink and I feel like it smells a different... Has anyone had this happen to them or does anyone have any advice on what to do? Any responses are helpful, thanks