

I don’t really know exactly how to express my gratitude I have for myself and the work I have put forth. Before I say anything else I want to say all shapes and sizes are gorgeous. However, I was unhappy with mine. I went from 215 lbs at 5’9” to the higher 170’s. I don’t plan on stopping my health journey anytime soon, but weight is no longer my main concern. I am now happy to say that I am more concerned with how I feel. I enjoy working out and living life with a little less effort. Things I have been used to my whole life are beginning to change. The thing I hate the most and wish I could tell everyone is please don’t compliment me as if I was less valuable before. Don’t say things like “wow, you are BEGINNING to look so gorgeous.” I for one value what is on the inside and believe everyone is gorgeous. Womankind is gorgeous because of what is on the inside. If you were or are as unhappy as I was with my body, you know your inside suffers. No happiness affected my efforts and personality and quite frankly my will to live. So thanks to months of hard work, my inside can be the most gorgeous part of me.

(About a year ago @215)

(Now. The happiest I’ve ever been. I feel more passionate and ready to live, truly live life.)