I don't know what to do.


My 8 month old has never slept more then 2 and a half hours at night.

Since the day he was born hes never been able to sleep in his bed by himself. He just wouldnt fall asleep. So I would bring him to bed with me just so I can get a little bit of sleep in (please dont shame me for co sleeping) I have constantly tried getting him to sleep alone but literally nothings working for me I feel.

Ive tried to let him cry it out once he hit 6 and a half months. But he wouldnt stop crying and after an hour and a half I felt bad. I've put him down drowsy but he wakes up instantly. I've layed with him and as soon as I move he wakes up. I've even tried laying him in his bed and patting his back. But he just wont fall asleep in his own bed.

And when I have him fall asleep in my bed I move him to his and he wakes up shortly after crying. Hes not hungry cause I make sure hes has a fully tummy. He knows how to put his binki in his mouth cause that's what calms him down. But he wont fall back asleep till hes in my bed again.

I'm so exhausted cause I don't want to keep him in my bed, I want him use to his. But at this point I'm just getting so frustrated that I'm taking it out on my partner cause he gets to sleep at night and I dont. (I'm a SAHM. So he works pretty long hours)

I literally dont know what to do.

He naps fine in his bed. So why wont he sleep in it.