Can I be pregnant??

My last period ended on November 25 and my and my boyfriend had unprotected anal sex on the 27 of he didn’t come inside of me or come at all. No other type of sex since then

On December 3rd I started my period again and it lasted fifteen days (all days were super light) I didn’t count it as my period then tho. My next period was due on December 22nd but it never came and I wasn’t showing any symptoms. I took two pregnancy test one on the 26 and one on the 28. Both negative

So I counted the 15 day bleeding as my period. With that as my period my new period date was on Jan 4th.

It’s now Jan 5 and no period but I have more symptoms now such as bloating, acne, and cranker sores with sensitive teeth, and I had an increase in discharge some days (I know that is said to be a sign of pregnancy or whatever but I always have more discharge before my period) I’ hungry and emotional.

But I still haven’t gotten my period and I’m so scared that I won’t. And the Im either pregnant or I’m sick and I’ve stopped having my period.

Do you think I should test again??? Would I be showing pregnancy symptoms already???what are the chances of pregnancy from anal with only precum ??

And before you comment if you’ve read through this, be nice. I see a lot of girls get made fun of by other women and I think it’s so sad because this app is made to connect us. I have no females in my life to talk to about feminine things with so I post a lot on here and honestly it breaks my heart when I have gotten made fun of for not knowing something simple. (Yes you might see this once or twice cause post like this get ignored easily)