Bossy baby?

Lisa • Proud Momma of my beautiful rainbow baby born oct 2019 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 Step Momma to 2 boys and 1 girl.

Anyone else have a bossy baby?! My little girl will be 12 weeks tomorrow, and boy will she let me know what she does and doesn't like. When she gets bored of something she is very vocal, but she doesn't cry, it's almost like she's raising her voice and telling me what to do! Lol its cute and hilarious but also tiring, I typically can't even put her down in her swing or boppy because she starts sqwaking at me. She wants 110% of mommy's attention. She even gets mad if I'm talking on the phone to my husband or replying to a text message. I have a little tyrant on my hands!