Falling pregnant on the pill ?

Has this happened to anyone else, I take it religiously, no antibiotics, illnesses, etc, I have been caught before a year ago on the pill and put it down to having been poorly around that time. This time however I've done nothing to suggest an accident might have happened! I have spent 7 years on this pill the first 6 years worked perfectly. Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this? I'm on cerrazette.
Found out 2 weeks ago I am pregnant when I had a familiar feeling in y tummy and boobs, too 6 tests as I couldn't believe it! I'm now 6 + 2 and I'm still walking round in a state of shock and panic, we lost the first pregnancy which probably doesn't help my nerves.
Sorry to rant, I haven't even told my family yet as not sure how too and wanting to get my head around it first. We're excited of course, just super shocked! Xxx