If This Is Pregnancy... Take It Back!!!!!

So , yesterday I received some very pinkish discharged , and it stayed for a few hours . The past few days I've been feeling queasy , but never enough to throw up actually , and minor cramps here and there in my stomach. Now I have a headache and I literally got 2 hours of sleep last night (well, this morning) &' I peed like 4 times in an hour ... I took a test a 9 dpo , which was the same day the IB looking discharge came out and it was a BFN ... My Thing Is .... If I Am Pregnant , PLEASE Hurry 2nd Trimester Because I'm Already Drained , lol ! I've never had period cramps , nor have I had morning sickeness ; and I hate it already . I want to skip to the food cravings and big belly! Haha . Good Morning Mama Bees &' Mama2Bees ! Baby Dust ✨✨ Havw A Great Day!