Am I a horrible mother?

My oldest is 5, youngest is 2. With both of them I started transitioning from formula to juice/water or regular milk from 11months+ and both children were completely off formula by 18 months old and off a bottle and to a sippy cup.

My oldest drinks some water but will refuse most days. It's to the point that I had her in the er for dehydration one day in the summer because she refused water or half water half juice all day long. She was 2 1/2 so since then I've gave nothing but juice or sneak half water/juice. Every so often she will drink milk with chocolate mixed in. At 5 she's 35 lbs and approx 4 feet tall. Very tall for her age but to me and her father very skinny. She's also never been the type to eat alot. Supper she eats less than her 2 year old sister and refuses to eat anything more. I'm also the type to give them the food they want rather than force them to eat the food I make. Very rare that they don't eat the food I make which I feel blessed for but there's always that blue moon that they don't like it or don't want it. She also eats in variations from the time she comes home from school till bed. In the summer they get breakfast lunch and dinner and whatever snacking they want all day.

Now my youngest absolutely refuses water. No matter what will not drink it so since the incident with my oldest I don't refuse to give juice. Now she does drink milk much more, but it goes bad before being able to drink it all. She's 2 and weighs 25 lbs. Me and my husband feel she's going to outgrow her 5 year old sister. But her juice habit is much worse. Half juice half water or full on juice all day long.

Both girls when with grandparents or other family, which is rare, so on occasion gets a soda. One to us isn't so bad especially if it's sprite, and that's usually what they get.

Am I wrong or a bad mother that my kids hardly ever drink a glass of milk and refuse water to only drink juice or watered down juice?