Am I in the wrong??

We had a technician come out to fix our fridge today and I was the only one home being that I am due to have twins next week so I’m on maternity leave. My husband calls my phone as the man is explaining to me what he fixed and was giving me recommendations as to what we should do in case of any future problems so I silence the ring and text him saying “1 sec” so he wouldn’t worry that something was wrong. He responds with “seriously?” I call him back as soon as the man leaves and he blast me like I am a child telling me that he is my husband and I am to answer the phone when he calls...especially when I am in the home alone with another male. Mind you he scheduled the appointment knowing he would be at work. I explained to him that I was trying to listen to the technician so I was able to relay the information correctly to him when he got home. He continued to speak to me as if I am to obey his every word because “he’s my husband.” I told him I was his wife, not a child and he was not going to speak to me like that. He got home from work and hasn’t said a word to me. Am I in the wrong for feeling like he owes me an apology? I don’t see that I did anything wrong.