IUD troubles - mirena

I’ve had my mirena IUD for just over 2 yrs. It’s been great. I had no period for about 6 months after i got it inserted, and then I’ve had only spotting as a period since the 6 month mark. It’s now at the 2 year 3 month mark and I have super awful cramps, and a period that comes and goes when it pleases. I’ve been to my doctor, had an ultra sound, and the IUD is still in the same position. I’ve had a Pap smear and it came back all clear. I don’t know where to go from here because it’s super weird and I just feel like something is wrong. And I could be over thinking it, but it’s a feeling that I’m getting.

I’m also getting pain during sex sometimes, just in my pelvic area where the penis hits. And I’ve never had trouble with sex before. I’ve had to ask my partner to go super slow and gentle because I cramp in my pelvic area for days after sex now.

Does anyone have any ideas or similar stories? I’m thinking about getting a second opinion from a specialist, but I’ll need to save a bit of cash to do so.