His words broke my heart

Hey I’m having a tough time right now and just wanted to get out some thoughts while actually feeling like I’m talking to someone. I just had an intense argument with my dad after watching the show The Report. We got into it over the ethics of torture in interrogations, our views differ, he started yelling his arguments and ended with “I know you wouldn’t defend me, your mother, or any of your family because you believe those people have rights”

I felt spineless, confused, and hated. I told him that wasn’t fair and eventually left.

I’ve been crying for a while now. How could he think that? Does he not know I love him? Was it just to get me to say “you’re right” or does my dad feel like I don’t feel that deep of a connection with him. He’s nearing his 70s and I cannot live with myself if he doesn’t know that I’d do anything to protect my family and love him with all of my being.