Sleep... what is that?!?!


Anyone else going through hell with “leap 7” please tell me I’m not the only one 😭

Nighttime has turned into one big nightmare and I am struggling big time

1 week shy of 11 months and she has decided to now wake up at least once per night and will be awake for 2 hours... does not want to be put down- will scream and get so worked up she makes herself sick so cry it out is a no no. I let her “whine” roll around, cry some, but don’t let it go too far as then I have a bigger mess.

This is new. Knock on wood daytime/naps aren’t this bad or an issue but wowza nights are awful! I am soooo tired I can barely function! She is just starting to walk along with other advancements and I’m sure teething is playing a part but anyone else feel me here?!?! Lol!