This is taking over my mind

Hello. I am 27 years old I have a son who is about to turn 6 and he is with my ex and is my whole world, but I am now married to the man of my dreams who I have gained a step daughter with and she will also be 6 within the next 4 months. We started to try and conceive our own baby a little over a year ago and in July which would have been our one year anniversary of trying I ended up having an ectopic pregnancy and it had devastated me. I want a baby with my husband and I can't stop thinking about it all day every day. Now I know it's the you just have to let it be what it is and stop stressing, I've heard it all and still it won't stop. Hearing I was pregnant and also knowing I was losing at the same time was just a big blow to my dreams. We have had a lot of hardships ever since we have met between exes and money and he was burnt at work and we just wanna change our life around and move forward....I wanna give our babies a brother or sister and I most definitely want to give my husband another baby of our own and I can't stop thinking about it...I don't know what else to do...I just want a baby and this is so mentally exhausting. ..anyone else not able to let it go...I'd like to read your stories...