Terrible 3s are making me feel like a failed as a parent


I’m having an emotional morning. Doesn’t help I’m 10 weeks pregnant so already hormonal. My son skipped terrible 2s and had been in the terrible 3s. This morning when leaving I asked if he wanted to bring a book he said no. So we walked out the door just fine it wasn’t until he got in his car seat he decided he wanted it. I said it’s to late you said no and asked if he wanted the toy magazine that was already in the car. He again said no so I put it down and got in the car. He proceeded to throw a fit cuz he wanted the book now and I said to late you said no. He screamed non stop.

Started hitting his stuffed dog so I reached back and took it. Which made him mad and next thing I know I hear a snap and he snapped his sunglasses so I took them. He kicked and screamed all the way into town. I had to tone him out so I didn’t freak out. When we got to my moms I calming explained why I took them and he didn’t to calm down he wouldn’t listen to me just kept saying puppy so I took him out and he screamed. Finally got him calmed down inside after I had to go straight passed grandma who was all awww what’s wrong. No don’t do that! But now I’m sitting at work holding back tears. I feel so defeated and that im not doing things right. 😭 any help!