Daycare first time - sleep regression or seperation anxiety ?

RAS • Mommy to Mila Rose 9-2-18 & Isla Lily 03-21-20 🎀💗🙏🏻

My daughter just started daycare on Monday it’s her transition week. And next week I’ll be back at work having to return as baby 2 coming in March. She is 16 months now and has generally been a good sleeper goes to sleep by 7:30 pm on occasion we may put her to sleep between 7-7:30 pm and usually up by 6-6:30 am.

The night before she got up at 3:30 am and she wouldn’t go back to sleep at all. my husband and I tried several times not sure if just sensed she was starting he first day 🤷🏼‍♀️. Yesterday she got up at 5:30 am & then this morning she got up around 12 am I tried to put her back to bed she was dwindling & eventually got back up crying in the crib. I finally brought her into our room to sleep & she did. I haven’t slept properly in 3 nights lol . Anyone experience this or similar. I’m wondering if it’s the adjustment of starting daycare, separation anxiety or is there a sleep regression now ? She’s been fine dropping her off I don’t say bye to not make it worse for her. They say she’s good and playing well. Today is day 3 there and she is suppose to nap there & im nervous she doesn’t do well sleeping in other places other than her crib stroller a couch. On vacation she hated the play pins & would end up sleeping in the bed with us majority of our trips. So I’m a bit nervous. Anyone else with similar experience ? Any tips? Or just will eventually go back to normal her sleep ?