Laughing into a big orgasm?

Angelicia • Hi guys! I'm Angel🌸 I'm 9Teen. Pansexual. Very chill chick. I love people and their stories! 💋
I just recently commented on a post on here about the wirdest thing I've done, which is laughing into a big orgasm with this guy I call my FWB. (Friends w/ benefits for the people who don't know) And I don't mean regular orgasm, I mean drawn out squirting. It has happened 3 times in which one time was at my best friend's (who's a guy.. And his cousin) bathroom (very embarrassing) ANYWAY getting off topic lol. I just wanted to know if there were other females who've experience this. I looked it up and it's normal just not common. But I still didn't get a specific reason to why that happens. Soo let me know! 💋