Single Mom

Sierra • 💜 First Time Mama to a beautiful baby girl! 💜 EST. 10.04.18

It's weird to even type that topic. Single Mom. Never in my short 25 years of life did I think I'd be sitting her typing those words. I was told I could never have children at 16. That's the one thing I wanted in this life was to be a mom. Then I met a man when I was 23. This man had three children and I would grow to love these children as my own and I fell hard for their dad. Then came the news a short seven months into our relationship we were expecting. What!? No f**king way! I was over the moon and I thought he was too but lately when we would fight it turned into you wanted a Anyway after 2 and 1/2 years of dealing with his insecurities and trying to fix his brokenness I realized I had lost myself and this fairytale I thought I had turned into a nightmare. I couldn"t do it anymore. He left yesterday well I was at work and our daughter was at daycare. I have no idea where he is and i havent heard from him since. Our 15 month old just says dada dada dada all the time and looks for him but I have to be strong, especially for her. I know it's only been a day but it's been hard and my heart hurts. Its what's best for my daughter and me and we will be okay it just takes time. I stayed with him for a long time for her but I can't force happiness and it's not fair to me to stay in a toxic relationship because God knows I wouldnt want my daughter go through what I've been going through. Anyway just needed to vent. Much love and positive vibes!✌🏻