A dilemma

Jessie • Housewife, animal mom of 3, Sylvia❤️ 👶🏻 3/30/2020

My husband’s family is planning a possible big family vacation out of state in August. The problem is, we will have a 5 month old at that time. I told hubs we could make it work, we would just stop a lot more than are used to so we can change and feed our baby girl. He prefers the idea of leaving her with my parents because of how much of a hassle it would be to bring her and she would be too young to enjoy the trip. I don’t want to be separated from her for more than a day when she is that young, And it kind of defeats the purpose of “Family Vacation.” Thankfully she would be started on solids at that point, so it would be easier either way, right? I feel like if hubs doesn’t want to bring her, then we shouldn’t go. But we NEVER have gone on any of the family vacations for various reasons (hubs was in college for 2 of them, and worked overtime in the summers).

Am I being too worried? Are we both overthinking it?

Edit: I was off on when solids are started, for some reason I was thinking it was 5 months, not 6.