Do I have the right to be upset?

My husband got Thursday Friday and the weekend off. I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant and yesterday Dr's appointment points me being induced next week. Last night I asked him to help me with our other two children while I cleaned, put away, and oraginzed all the babies things and get ready for our last minute baby shower Saturday. He agreed. Upon waking up this morning he tells me he's going to go fishing but will be back later. So I got up and took our oldest to school, came home with our 2 year old and started on the house. I've gotten as far as laundry going and kitchen/dining room cleaned swept all the good stuff. I still have atleast the living room before tomorrow and then of course the other things that needs done before baby is here. So i texted him just now at 1pm he's been gone since 7 am and asked when he would be done and be home. He says he doesn't know. I have to leave to get our oldest from school in 1 1/2 hours and I'm kinda upset by his response. He said he would help and then kinda just up and left me alone to handle it all alone.

Should I be upset or not. I haven't texted him back yet due to I don't want to start an argument or disagreement if there shouldn't be one.