Possibility of a cleft lip?

Devon • Mama to the sweetest boy, TTC #2.

I had my anatomy scan this morning and they need me to come back in two weeks to confirm my baby does not have a cleft lip. In some

imaging they say it looks like one side is a hairline higher than it should be. The doctor said she is not convinced it is a cleft lip, but my silly baby kept covering his face with his hands and legs when we tried to get a closer look to confirm. They said it could be just weird shadows or a prominent philtrum, but they want to try again just to be 100% sure.

Here’s my sweet boy.. I can see in the imaging what makes them want me to come back. But again.. they did not seem concerned at all, and said the rest of him looks great.

If he does have one.. I know technology is powerful and it can be repaired and he’ll need some feeding help. We will love him just the same. I’m not looking for people to “diagnose” my baby or tell me to listen to my doctor. But just wondering if you guys can see what I’m seeing?