Identical twins delivered vaginally??


My birth plan with my dr is to deliver my mo/di twins vaginally by induction at 37 wks as long as baby A is head down. Today I had my anatomy scan with my MFM dr(first time meeting her @19wks 2days) who says I cannot deliver past 36 wks AND that I MUST DELIVER VIA C SECTION as well bc identical twins are so high risk that if one is delivered vaginally & the other doesn’t come out within 2mins or less, that I am risking killing baby b????? Right now both babies are measuring 12oz each & are 100% healthy with no signs of TTS but she scheduled me to start seeing her every two wks till birth to closely monitor for TTS since they’re sharing a placenta. This info just completely threw me off & scared tf outta me bc it’s so different than the conversation I had with my own dr who not only had twins herself vaginally, but they were also identical as well. So I just feel like if said info from other dr was true, this wouldn’t be the first I’m hearing of it. I don’t see my dr till next Thursday so I cannot have the conversation with her about what the mfm told me until then. Did any of you deliver your identical twins vaginally? How did delivery go? Were you informed of any risks in attempting a vaginal birth or refused one bc of certain risks? Not ones that had to do with complications based on conditions you or babies may have had but just bc the dr said what “could” or might happen just due to them being identical?