Nighttime Feeding Help!!

Danielle • * Wife ~ Dog Mom ~ FTM of Archer Xavier 💙 11/28/2019 💙 *

My 6 week old son is showing signs of not needing one if his nighttime feedings. I’m looking for suggestions on how to help him sleep through his waking habit.

He is strictly formula fed, and generally takes 4oz every 3 hours (sometimes he’ll go 4 hours in between). His last feeding is usually around 9:30-10:30pm. He’ll wake up around 12:30-1:30am for a bottle. Recently he wakes up and is insistent, but then isn’t very interested in eating. I’ve had to be a little pushy to get him to drink (not forcing, just actively encouraging versus him devouring the bottle).

Our pediatrician said that he would start doing this, and that he is all clear to sleep through nighttime feedings (LO is almost 11lbs). He said to offer him a binky and encourage him to go back to sleep. However, LO is very insistent that I get him a bottle - even if he only gets a taste and then goes back to sleep.

***Any tips for helping him sleep through this feeding time? He’s definitely waking out of habit versus hunger.

Note: I don’t plan to start actual “sleep training” until he is 4 months old. I know he’s too little right now for anything formal. So far we’ve just been sticking to the routine he created and it’s working well, but if I can get him to sleep from ~9:30-3:30 I’d be in heaven!