Tips for BF!

Autumn • You screw me, I screw you back. I`m a lady like that.
I really need any advice you ladies can give me. I had an extremely traumatic emergency c section 3 days ago. I'm have so much trouble with breastfeeding. I can't do so comfortably and no matter how good of a latch he has it hurts my nipples. He's had great latches but it still hurts :/ and I cannot for the life of me find a good hold to use. Football has worked best but I get all sweaty and I feel as if baby is falling. 
I tried pumping but it's so much work to hold the pump to my nipples and I just can't get comfortable at all. 
Any things that works for you moms to help ease the pain and stimulate your nipples. 
I'm in incredible pain constantly....