Driving myself INSANE!

Im 4 weeks Post Partum. My babygirl will be one month tomorrow 😭😭 but anyways my boyfriend and my daughters father has had a deug problem for a couple years now. Hes sober now. I am so proud of him hes in a sober house with other men in recovery hes working and just trying to figure out life the right way, and im so freaking hapoy and proud of him 😍 but we sont live together atm because he needed to get his life together. But hes only a 15 min drive from us (me and our newborn baby) hes only seen her twice!! Im teykng my best to be cool and understanding but im doing all of this on my own and im EXHAUSTED and i just feel like he should want to see his newborn baby. Would you ladies be upset? Keep in mind hes newly sober and fighting alot of personal demons.. but cmon only twice? Opinions please! 😥🙄