I'm done. (Vent)

I just need to vent a moment. Sleep regression or just one stubborn ass baby. I'm done. I can't keep doing it. She goes down for a couple hours and then is up every 1-2 hours until morning. I'm sleep deprived, angry, and feeling like a terrible mom. I'm ready to get rid of her. My husband attempts to help which just gets her more worked up and by the time I do get her to finally calm down she needs to eat again. 12 hours...in a 24 hour period of time she got 12 hours of sleep...she refuses to nap and if she by some miracle does it's 23-28 minutes. I just can't do this anymore. Something has to give. We have a strict bedtime routine, we've swaddled, we've taken the swaddle away. We do drowsy but awake which unleashes a holy hell storm. We've tried laying her down dead asleep. Thank you for listening to me vent.