Just not good ebough

So lately I’ve had an overwhelming feeling of sadness. No matter what I do I feel like I’m not good enough. I haven’t taken a picture of myself in years because I hate the way I look. I’ve tried changing my style, my hair, makeup, working out, tanning, nothing makes me happy in my skin. I don’t really have any family to talk to. My best friend just got engaged and is super happy about life, so I just feel like a burden to her and don’t want to ruin her happiness. My boyfriend doesn’t understand my depression and works a lot. I constantly feel like he could do so much better than me, and I’m afraid he’s going to find it and just leave me in the dust. It’s happened many times before. I’m in school but second guess myself on everything because I feel like I just can’t be smart enough. I don’t like any of my coworkers and they don’t see how depressed I am. I just keep to myself and hate every second of being at work. I feel trapped and like a constant disappointment. I feel lonely and sad. I don’t know how to fix this, I just don’t want to be me anymore. Just needed to vent to get some of this off my chest. Thanks for listening.