Milk catchers or savers recommendations?
FTM with 2 week old son, struggling to get the hang of breastfeeding. One of the frustrating things is how much milk I leak/waste in the process.. Using nursing pads, which helps on the side I’m not feeding on, and unless anyone has a better idea, I’m just shoving a burp cloth under the active side, which also leaks a lot leaving me a very wet bra when I’m done. Have a Haaka and have used it a few times, but I’ve been very limited in the positions that work to feed him, and they don’t work well with that apparatus. Recommendations for something smaller that could go inside the bra to collect leaking milk while nursing? I see a lot of shells and similar milk saving products, but with mixed reviews. Saving the milk will be good for future use, but honestly I just want to stop making a mess on myself every time 😜
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