Ttc for number 2

Hi ladies,

So We are ttc number 2. I’m going into my 3rd cycle. My fertile window is coming up. I had a miscarriage in September which absolutely broke my heart. I had a d&c since my body was not recognizing that the baby had passed. Anyway, I struggle with terrible anxiety and I’m paranoid of having scar tissue from the d&c. I’m meeting with my doctor on Wednesday to talk about it.

I’ve had 3 periods since and my first two were normal. My 3rd was kinda weird though. Lighter and shorter which brought on the concern.

I got pregnant first try with my son and first try with my miscarriage. So I’m nervous this whole d&c just messed with my fertility since I’ve never had any issues. I guess I’m coming here to vent/look for guidance. I’m not sure.

But I do know that I’m sad and ready for another baby and it seems like everyone around me is getting pregnant and I’m happy for them and sad for myself and jealous all mixed up in one. It’s just exhausting feeling all of these emotions too.