Miss Aria Rochelle


Aria Rochelle finally made her grand entrance on January 9th at 5:34pm. She was 7lb 15oz and 20 inches of perfection!! I went in Wednesday to be induced and labored on my own with a TENS unit until I hit 5cm, then the contractions became too frequent and I got the epidural. After about 2 hours it seemed like the epidural stopped working so I had them check me and sure enough I was already at 9cm!! Another hour and I made it to 10! I shocked them all and only pushed for 30 minutes before she was born, the doctor barely made it and didn't even have time to fully suit up! There was some complication getting my placenta to come out and I ended up in the OR with a D&C to get the rest of it out after my doctor extracted what she could. (THAT was a very strange, uncomfortable feeling having her whole arm inside me!) Luckily, despite losing a lot of blood, everything has been great since and we got to come home Saturday 😊 Aria has been adjusting very well and latching like a pro, we are so in love with her it's indescribable!! My milk still hasn't come in so we are supplementing with formula, but she is happy. I can't believe our road to baby is finally over. My older cat, Elaine, has taken up the role of protector and won't let her out of her sight! She is keeping our other cat away from Aria lol!!