Really disappointed that I'm not pregnant


I'm 34. My husband and I have 2 wonderful kids, aged 8 and 5. But for the last several months we have been talking about having another baby and it would be our last. I used to be consistently regular on my period but lately I keep being late and thinking "this is it..." and then I take a test and its negative. Now this month I waited until I was 5 days late to test. Still not pregnant. I'm so extremely sad and need to vent because when it happens, I want to surprise my hubby in a cute way instead of just blurting it out like I did the last two times so I cant talk to him about it.

I'm getting older so I would like to get there sooner. And I know after a certain age, risks increase. Plus I'm the heaviest I have ever been in my life at 240 pounds and only 5' 6" so maybe losing weight would help. But it still feels like a huge let down every time it is negative.