I'm a genius. A fire-causing genius.


Warning: I cuss a lot. My bad.

Do you ever do something that's SOOOO fucking dumb but you don't realize until it's already done? That was me today 😅 I wanted to surprise my husband with meatball subs, because I'm a nice wife and he deserves that shit and he mentioned awhile back that they sounded great.

Here's where I get STUPID. So I was making homemade meatballs and sauce because I'm a CHEF, dammit.

And my oven has been needing cleaned so that's not a good start. It's clean now 💁 but anyhoo. So I make my meatballs and go to put them in the oven.

But the problem was that I didn't feel like washing another dish so I used my flat pizza pan because it was clean.

Not even thinking about the fact that GREASE. WILL. BE. COMING. OUT. OF THESE. HAND-MOLDED. BALLS. OF. MEAT.

And going to the bottom of the oven.

Where the heat is.

So. They cook for like. 15 minutes. I look up from playing with my toddler, and I see a tiny tiny bit of smoke in the kitchen and I smell burning but my husband was like "nah I don't smell anything." I was still worried so I got up to look. Smoke is coming from the burners so I'm like...oh shit.

I open the door (probably shouldn't have but again...not that bright. Flames all over the bottom of the oven. I close the door and turn off the heat, put my child in another room without the smoke and look for a pan to cover the fire with to try to smother it. While I'm looking in the cabinet as quickly as I can,

my husband runs in to help, and THROWS WATER ON IT.

"iTs NoT a GrEaSe FiRe ItS aN oVeN fIrE sO yOu UsE wAtEr."

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. NO. That is NOT how that works, my guy.

So it spreads and smokes everywhere (still just in the oven and probably not that bad, but still...fire!) and I'm about to call the fire department when I randomly shout at my Google Home Mini how to stop a grease fire in an oven.

It was like "Put some fucking salt or baking soda on that bitch."

Since I was making dinner, I already had my big ass salt thing on the counter so I threw that all over it and it went out immediately. Google saved the day. I'm low on salt now.

But. On the bright side.

My meatballs were totally fine.

Dinner was very yummy and we are all safe.

I'm gonna try to use my brain next time I want to get creative in the kitchen.

But yeah. Kitchen fire? 0/10 do not recommend. It was scary, I was very scared.