Feel like the worst mom 🙁

Yesterday I was beyond stressed. I’m 16 weeks pregnant and have 2 step kids that live with us full time. I went to work, came home, had to drive back out to grocery shop (we live 45 mins from the city and I forgot my grocery bags) and then back home, prep dinner, then drive to my step daughters basketball game with my husband. About 3 1/2 hours of driving and I’m exhausted. The game was last minute and I didn’t want to go but we’ve never missed a game. I forgot to tell my husband she was playing in the 5th and 6th grade games so we missed the first one. He was so irritated. She called me hours before and I just totally forgot. We still saw her play. He didn’t talk to me during the game, then after we were waiting on her to come out from the locker room. ALL the other kids were out and gone except her and I was getting irritated. It was 6:30 by this point and we wouldn’t be home until 7 for me to cook and bed time is 9. She finally came out after 15 minutes and I said “man you took your sweet ass time didn’t ya!” And immediately apologized. I tried to say it jokingly but it came out rude. I have never spoken that way to them and it upset her, but literally within 5 minutes she was over it asking about my day and talking. My husband wouldn’t let it go. Ive never seen him so mad at me. I felt like a total failure. He’s been nasty and impatient to his son before and I just remind him to talk kindly, and he never apologizes. But when it comes to her he’s so protective. Again she was over it and didn’t even seem bothered since I said sorry. She understands my hormones are crazy and that I had a long day. My husband and I got into the worst fight ever. He just kept bringing it up. We NEVER fight also. I feel like I can’t even function today because of it. I just feel like total shit. Pregnancy is making me not feel like myself.