Relationship, parent issue


Since my son was born my son's father (J is what I'll call him) has not helped much at all with the care of his son, diaper changes and a few bottles and that is it. J only thinks of himself, never asks me if he can help me or put our son to bed tonight, or anything majority helpful so I can relax or get a bit more sleep.

I personally feel like a single parent. I have stress, anxiety and issues with overwhelment , frustrations and exhaustion from taking care of our child we created together.

I ask J daily for help or what would be nice for him to do for me .... but he never does it.

Even asking him to take the smelly diaper trash out is a process of asking J 3 or more times to take it outside... I feel like I'm honestly taking care of 2 children at this point.

I love my son's father with all my heart and I don't want my son to be raised without a dad but I feel like the rope is on its last thread.

Anyone know what I should do ?