Am I wrong?

As a child I was abused physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually by my older brother. My mom has favorites with my older brother and my sister that is a year younger than me. She treats them like angels while she treats me like dirt. My mom never let me talk about it after the day I told her and she doesn’t acknowledge what he has done. She has never said that what he did was wrong either. My family told me that I was a liar when I finally came out after 6-7 years of the abuse. Well my sister that’s a year younger than me is about to give birth. I missed her baby shower because she chose to invite him. This is the 2nd biggest event I have missed in her life due to him being there. I won’t lie and say that I have healed because I haven’t. Today she brought it up about how I need to forgive and forget because it’s been about ten years and my brother has changed. I was very much offended because she was offered therapy and did it but my mom did not let her tell the therapist everything like what my brother did to her (he only beat her and messed with her mentally). The therapist noticed my sister was holding back and told her to write a journal about what has happened. My mom ended up taking my sisters journals and publishing a book. My mom offered me therapy but I felt like it wouldn’t be effective if I couldn’t really talk about what happened so I never took it. Well I’m still affected by what happened to me. I’m mentally and emotionally not right. I know this but I have chosen to distance my self from my family because they believe I’m making a big deal out of nothing. Physically and sexually I’m messed up also. I can’t have sex without ever having pain or pressure down there and it’s been like this since the first time he raped me. I am terrified of my brother. But I don’t get how my family has seemed to just forgive and forget everything like nothing ever happened. I find it disrespectful and offensive that they all let him around because in my eyes it’s telling me that no one ever believed what I said. Am I wrong to feel this way? Am I the only one that sees that it is wrong to have a rapist around children and treat him like a regular person especially since you know what he has done?