Mother in law/judgement

I just have to vent for a moment. Does anyone else feel extremely judged by family at times?

My daughter is 1 month and her baptism is this Sunday. My baptismal gown is to big for her and so is my husbands. So I went and purchased a gown myself.

My MIL has a nasty habit of being super fake to my face and months later talking crap about me later down the road. (Behind my back and also to my face)

She wanted me to use my husbands gown but it wasn’t going to work

I just can’t wait to hear about this backlash in a few months.

She did this with our relationship, wedding, house, puppy, and now baby.

She claims to be this Christian women but she is the first to cast the first stone if she sees something isn’t done the right way.

I am so nervous to raise my child because I know no matter what I’ll always be judged and wrong