Torn between education and baby 😭 Need to Vent

I’m planning to quit my job when the born is born but meanwhile work on my graduate degree. I’ve been postponing starting my college for almost two years now and I know I might just give up if I don’t start it sooner but the problem is I don’t want to leave my child at home with someone else when my husband is at work. Another option was to go when he comes home but he hates the idea of not having much “family time” with the three of us 🤦🏻‍♀️ I looked into online degrees but they won’t allow me to gain much research experience. My husband thinks it’s completely fine to leave the kid with his mother or my mother for few hours but that’ll be for 4 - 5 days a week and at least 3-6 hours each day then some research hours!! I also don’t want to risk enrolling now then live in the guilt of leaving the baby but enrollment for next year started and my husband, my parents and everyone in the family is trying hard to convince me to start the applications but I’m too anxious to do anything 😩