Raising kids with step kids


My boyfriend has 5 kids with his first wife, and we have one son together. I want to take my son to see Disney on ice and small vacations that I took as a child. I can’t afford to take 6 kids though. I am not asking this question to be rude to my step kids. I love them very much and I do take them places and spend holidays with them. I just know how their dad, my boyfriend is. I’ll show him a picture of a race car bed and tell him I’m gonna buy one for my son when he’s older and my boyfriend will go “we can’t the other kids didn’t get race car beds so it’s not fair that Niko gets one.” But like I wasn’t around to raise the 5 other kids. I don’t know really how to go about this. For those of you that had a kid with a man who already had kids. Did you guys raise them the exact same way?