Clomid second time ? Ladies


Hello ladies so I did one 3 cycles with clomid only than I was referred to a specialist and he did clomid and a trigger and a mid cycle check for growth I ended up pregnant first time . I’m wondering it’s been a year and like 9 months since I did this anyone have a hard time trying to get pregnant the second time around using the same method. I did go to the same doctor and we did the blood work to check if all my levels were normal to even start again but I want to hear if anyone had a harder time and had to do <a href="">ivf</a> ? A little side not I only have one Fallopian tube and the ovary on that side doesn’t work without meds since I have PCOS and yes I also did try to do it naturally since I had my baby but I was tested to see if I had any actual positive ovulation kits and my numbers were very low which pretty much means I didn’t ovulate like the stick said

. So sorry I’m just going on and on main question is ya someone been able to get pregnant a second time with clomid and a trigger shot ? Thanks a lot ladies for any input or stories you may know 😊